THSC Advertisements

We were asked to develop a set of print advertisements that strengthened the Texas Home School Coalition brand. After conceptualizing each promotional piece we reached out to stellar designers and then oversaw the development of the final product.

Each piece appeared in the THSC REVIEW Magazine and was distributed to over 55,000 households.

Our Role
[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]Messaging[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Vision[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Project Management[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

Fun Fact
[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]All 4 designers that we chose to work with were home school graduates.[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]Hannah Badeer[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Christina Hastings[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Beth Maisano[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Katie Jenkins[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item][/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

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