Christina Hastings Photography

In December of 2010 Christina launched her career as a professional photographer specializing in portraits, events, and weddings. Imagivation joined her on a consulting basis shortly thereafter andĀ helped her identify new audiences, focus branding, adjust pricing models, and optimize marketing.

Since thenĀ her small business has grown by leaps and bounds and she continues to successfully serve her market as both a local and destination photographer.

Our Role
[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]Consulting[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Web Development[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

Fun Fact
[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]Christina is the official photographer for several other Imagivation ventures including Thinkers Incorporated.[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

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