Filmmakers Academy

Filmmakers Academy was founded by Imagivation in the summer of 2010 to teach Christian youth how to effectively communicate through the medium of film.

The Academy created an unparalleled hands-on environment where aspiring filmmakers could learn with others in a God-honoring manner while all the time enhancing the lifelong skills of leadership, cooperation, and creativity.

Over the course of an intense 6-week period students made 5 films with various handicaps and themes that reflected the material they had learned in class the week before.

In the spring of 2012 Filmmakers Academy was sold to Joseph and Stacie Graber of the Thorn Crown Project who continue Filmmakers Academy today.

[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]Doubled attendee growth in 1 year[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Numerous film festivals awards by alumni[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Founded in June 2010[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

Our Role
[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]Executive Management[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Founding[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Teaching[/rb_list_item][rb_list_item]Insomnia[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

Fun Fact
[rb_list type=”arrow2″][rb_list_item]Filmmakers Academy was announced to the general public with only 3 weeks notice before the first day of class.[/rb_list_item][/rb_list]

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